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The ATA wants to provide the best show possible to it's members, in order to do so the officers and board of directors need feed back. Just like everything in taxidermy there's always room for improvement. Tell us what could have been better. This survey is completely anonymous. 

Please rate the corresponding category with 1 being the lowest & 5 being the highest. These responses are not required, you do not have to answer if it is not applicable to you. 


Please rate the judges based on their performance; critiques, professionalism, knowledge, etc.

Mammal/WT Judge Satisfaction
Bird Judge Satisfaction
Fish/Reptile Judge Satisfaction


Please rate the seminars based on their total overall merit in the corresponding category.

Meanifnfulness of Seminars Satisfaction
Varity of Seminars
Was able to learn something from the seminars


Please rate the vendors based on their offered product and vendors present.

Vendor Varity
Did you purchase supplie from any vendors


Please provide feedback in regards to the venue and banquet.

Overall Satisfaction

Please use the space below to provide anything additional you would like to add that is not covered above.

Thank you! Hope to see you next year!

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